Cycle 4
Cycle 4 FGG Workbook: Unit 3
The Fundamental Grammar Workbooks (Units 1 & 2 and Unit 3) correlate lesson by lesson with the Fundamental Grammar Guide (FGG) and also correspond to our specific history cycles.
Each student (5th -12th grades) will need a Fundamental Grammar Workbook: Units 1 & 2 (purchased separately; consumable; answer key included; 1 per student; Lessons 1-13 of the FGG), and a Fundamental Grammar Workbook: Unit 3 (non-consumable; answer key included; 1per family; Lessons 14-28 of the FGG). The Fundamental Grammar Workbook: Unit 3 is a diagramming, proofing, and parsing guide, with sentences drawn from the corresponding historical cycle.
Your family will purchase the Fundamental Grammar Workbooks according to the historical cycle you are currently studying.
Fundamental Grammar Guide sold separately.