
recommended Books & Essays
- The Well-Trained Mind, Susan Wise-Bauer
- Honey for a Child’s Heart, Gladys Hunt
- The Liberal Arts Tradition, Jain & Clark
- Norms and Nobility, Hicks
- On Christian Teaching, David I. Smith
- Books Children Love, Elizabeth Wilson
- Read Aloud Handbook, Jim Trelease
- Tried & True: A Primer on Sound Pedagogy, Daniel B. Coupland
- Desiring the Kingdom, James K.A. Smith
- The Abolition of Man, Lewis
- Tending the Heart of Virtue, Vigen Guroian
- The Tech-Wise Family, Andy Crouch
- Tried & True, Hillsdale Oress
- Dumbing Us Down, Gatto
- Dorothy Sayers essay, “The Lost Tools of Learning"

Enhancing Claritas Publishing Memory Work
In 2012, Claritas Classical Academy embarked on the journey of creating Classical Christian memory work as well as anEnglish grammar curriculum. Soon after, Laura Murfin had the vision of creating interactive, online videos showcasing our memory work. The goal was to engage students and parents and make the learning process engaging and effective. Since then, Laura has successfully created a diverse range of subscription-only content on her award-winning website, We are blessed to have Laura as a partner and friend and are thankful her contributions have so broadened the reach of Claritas Publishing.
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Classical Academic Press
A classical education curriculum, media, and consulting company providing wonderful resources.
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Circe Institute
A leading provider of inspiration, information, and insight to classical educators.
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Well-Trained Mind
Help, guidance, and a range of resources for both newcomers and seasoned homeschoolers.
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